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Below are my five most recent miniatures related photos. These used to be freshly painted miniatures only, but now include game photos as well.

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Tiny Tin Men :: Archives

Hai, we has SQL

July 25, 2007 9:45 PM - Posted by Robartes - Category: Meta

Yes, this blog has been a bit neglected of late (more on that later). That also means that it accumulated a lot of junk comments (8477 or so) which would have meant a lot of point and clicking to remove it.

Luckily, Dreamhost gives one command line access to everything, including the mysql database behind TTM, so I went in and took out all of the comments after the latest legit one in one fell swoop. A few seconds work instead of a few days. Sometimes, being a bit of a geek is fun.

As to the reason there’s not much happening around here (apart from Phil, thank god for that) is that I’ve been in a bit of a wargaming funk since Easter or so. I haven’t painted or done anything wargame related, except play a few games. It’s one of those phases. Trust me, it will pick up again.

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