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Tiny Tin Men :: Archives

Painting log: Bavarian Napoleonic regiment 1

September 26, 2009 10:29 PM - Posted by Robartes - Category: Painting Log

Finally, they’re done. 24 Bavarian infantry, painted up as the 1st Regiment, Konig.

These guys took me longer than I expected, which is probably normal due to the large amount of detail that goes into a Napoleonic figure. Therefore, I’m going to award myself 1,5 points for each of these, giving 36 points for the entire unit. This is not cheating, I feel, as the painting point thing is supposed to give one a measure of one’s painting throughput, and is thus directly related to the time it takes to paint one figure. These figures take me about one and a half time to paint as others, so 1,5 points it is :).

I am considering doing the next Napoleonic regiment in two batches of 12 though — I found my enthousiasm lagging at several points during the painting of these. 24 sets of leather webbing (in white!) might be a bit too much. We’ll see.

Oh yes, pictures to follow tomorrow, as usual.

Next up for painting is a unit of 24 Roman auxilia. As I’ll be doing these with ‘the dip’, painting 24 in one batch won’t pose the same problems as did the Napoleonics, I hope.

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